Welcome to Maximum Velocity

Sometimes the way to achieve what you want to achieve, is not necessarily the way you thought you had to achieve it..

Now if that is not too much obvious repetition then perhaps..

Sometimes you have to think a little bit differently……Take a more considered view

Thats where we come in

Tell us about your problems..

If you’re reading this then by and large you may have issues that need resolving and these may well be beyond the purvue and ability of most to solve.

Take a deep breath, take some time, tell us what your problems are and then we’ll review and and hopefully tell you how they can be fixed.

About Maximum Velocity

From a background forged from being involved in the periphery of complex negotiations over geopolitical issues on a world stage. Negotiating complex Sponsorship Deals for International Sports Tournaments when the background conditions were “challenging at best” and being forefront in bringing the Estate of one of History’s most Iconic Sports figures to the world of Web3 and NFT’s, the various principals at Maximum Velocity have acquired a skillset possibly unrivalled in most similar companies.

In between that, throw in complex negotiations extricating clients from various unfavourable deals within the world of Entertainments and no two days ever turn out to be the same.

If we haven’t seen it all, then we know people who have done, and if we need to call in reinforcements then by and large we’ll know when to make the call and who to bring in.

Our Considered View…….

A Cautionary Tale….

Two tales and both stem from circa 1996/97 in Northern Ireland and were part of the period in time that became known as the “Peace Process”. Maximum Velocity’s staff were there or thereabouts when the following two incidents occured. First there was a potential flashpoint in the small village of Bellaghy in County Londonderry. Over …

And in the end…….

Conventional wisdom within today’s troubled times is that….. to get anywhere there have to be winners and there have to be losers.

If we want to achieve lasting results, then deals have to be struck whereby both parties not just one side benefits. We cannot live in a world populated by winners and losers, compromise by and large has be the “order of the day”.

At Maximum Velocity we believe in working with clients where we can lead all parties in negotiations to a more “elegant, well balanced” solution.

Let’s find where we can all “land safely” and move on with dignity and respect.